

Photo Friday—Rarotonga Sheraton

There has still been a bit of an early spring chill in the air recently, which has caused my mind to wander back to more tropical climates.

What better tropical location than Rarotonga, a volcanic blip in the vast Pacific Ocean, surrounded by stunning tropical reefs, shaded in palm trees with gorgeous golden beaches underfoot—all just a few hours flight from home.

So what do we do for fun in a tropical paradise?

Go explore and abandoned hotel of course.

The Rarotonga Sheraton was intended to be a playground for well-off tourists to bask in tropical luxury, sipping cocktails at the swim-up bar as they gaze back across the perfectly manicured lawns towards their air conditioned rooms complete with private spas and well stocked mini bars.

However this wasn’t destined to be. We talked to a few locals and were told various stories about why the venture was abandoned: Stories of dodgy behind the scenes dealings, embezzlement of large amounts of money, mafia connections and the general foolish prospect of  building a resort on cursed land in the first place.

Whatever the reason, the result is a nearly—but not quite—finished hotel left abandoned to the elements. We had great morning exploring the empty buildings, but the best spot was the empty pool in the centre of the resort.

Here’s the full image below (Click to view larger)

Rarotonga Sheraton panorama
Rarotonga Sheraton panorama
Rarotonga Sheraton bridge panorama
Rarotonga Sheraton bridge panorama
See also  Rarotonga relaxation
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