Like much of the rest of the world, here in New Zealand we’ve been cooped up in our houses for the last few weeks. All as part of the COVID-19-smashing lockdown and general social distancing efforts. Over that time a few different ‘Lockdown Personalities’ have begun to emerge, which one are you?

Have we missed any lockdown kiwis off our list? Let us know in the comments below:
The most important home maintenance kiwi , bored kiwi, gardening kiwi ,fed up kiwi , running up the hill kiwi, sliding downhill kiwi , house prisoner kiwi, driveway driver kiwi that should keep you amused for a few hours
Surely with all that home maintenance and gardening, bored kiwi could keep himself occupied? As for the hill running kiwis, I can neither confirm nor deny that that kind of lunatic exists…
I’ve taken a poll in the flat and we are all nutritionally balanced kiwi and feeling very attacked
I have fully embraced my existence as nutritionally balanced kiwi… but that’s mostly because I know I will never achieve the patience and domestic talents required to become sourdough kiwi.
Definitely fitness challenge Kiwi …. I’m hoping for buns of steel at the end of this
Good luck— the only way I’m getting buns of steel is if I try to bake sourdough rolls
Cool. can I pinch work from home kiwi for my work email signature.
Needs welding and angle grinding to annoy neighbor kiwi
You should, it’s the perfect work email signature to instil your co-workers with confidence that you’re making the most of working from home
(When you aren’t annoying the neighbours with projects…)