Three Years ago


Three years ago, our PanAmerican road trip was just an idea that we hadn’t really made any progress on planning for. But three years ago we were given a big kick in the pants by a devastating earthquake wreaking havoc on our previously peaceful home town. Many people lost loved ones, homes, livelihoods and had their lives irrevocably changed by the events on that day. The face of our city has forever changed as a result.

We were lucky to come through it all with no harm done, life continued as normal—but we can’t help but wonder, would we be where we are now without the loud rumbling nudge of a magnitude 6.3? Would we have been motivated to move ahead and start saving for this trip, or would it just have been a vague plan we thought about but never pursued. There is nothing like watching the solid walls and land around you turn to jelly to remind you that nothing is permanent and time is short, maybe that is what helped to get us motivated and start making our dreams a reality.

Whether we would have been motivated to make this journey had it not been for the February 22 2011 earthquake, the experience has changed our perspective on the world. We’ve learnt from what we have seen and experienced and yes, I think we are a little more focussed and motivated as a result.

Bring on May 10th 2014—although we’ll definitely miss Christchurch while we are away!

People gather to view the ruins of Christchurch cathedral
See also  Goodbye summer days
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