…And we’re back


After a bit of behind-the-scenes witchcraft and tinkering, we present Flightless Kiwis—the shiny new site.

Sure, we might be a year behind in the blog, but we also have a year of photos, videos and funny stories to share.

We’re stopped in Bolivia for a few weeks to get ourselves re-orientated and ready to start travelling again, so we took the opportunity to get back to the blog.

Once we hit the road and start adventuring again, we’ll start blogging from where we are at now, but we also plan to keep uploading photos ,videos and panoramas from the intervening months and share a few of our stories via some flashback blog posts.

So stay tuned… but for now there’s a bunch of new content in the gallery section as well as panoramas and a couple of new videos, so you can always take a minute to check them out if you’re bored!

See also  Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco)
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Looking four our old blog?

We’ve archived our stories and photos from our three year road trip from Deadhorse, Alaska, USA to Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego Argentina here: