The classic Kiwi road trip


Photo Friday—The classic Kiwi road trip

We were having a bit of a yarn yesterday about how much fun a classic Kiwi road trip can be. So that inspired me to dig this photo out of the archive. A classic piece of New Zealand countryside, the road just out of Kaikoura. A dramatic bit of road that follows the railway line along the narrow strip of the East coast of Te Waipounamu (the South Island) between the rocky pacific shore and the jagged heights of the Kaikoura ranges.

Going on a long weekend road trip is as ingrained in Kiwi culture as fish ‘n’ chips and jandals. As a nation, at the first hint of a long weekend we dust off our tents, pack up our chilly bins, grab our togs and head for the road to somewhere other than home. Stopping on the way for custard squares, goody gumdrops ice-cream and a bacon and egg pie is pretty much mandatory.

No one road trip destination stands out as more classic than another, it’s all about just getting on the road and ‘getting away from it all’.

It would be fair to assume that this great Kiwi tradition has influenced and inspired us to hit the road on a longer trip through the Americas.

See also  A small bite of the Big Apple
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